CST Studio Suite

CST Studio Suite Status

CST Studio 2022 is the current version of the CST Studio Suite installed on the HPC. Currently, Single-Node Module and GPU acceleration are tested and confirmed to be working via a manual CLI call.

The cst_ job-submission scripts will work, however they do not allocate resources in an effective manner for DeepThought. Use at your own risk, as a manually created SLURM job will give you much better results.

Below are the modes of operation and their status.

Run Mode


GPU Accelerated


Single-Node Parallel


Multi-Node Parallel


CST Studio Suite Quickstart Command Line Guide

To run a CST Studio job on the HPC you will need your .cst file, and the associated SLURM script. Modify any <OPTIONS> to your requirements.

  1. Single-Node, GPU Accelerated

    cst_design_environment -defaultacc -with-gpu=<NUMBER_OF_GPUS_REQUESTED> -m -r -num-threads=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -project-file /path/to/projet.cst

  2. Single-Node, CPU Only

    cst_design_environment -m -r -num-threads=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -project-file /path/to/project.cst

  3. Multi-Node GPU Accelerated

    Coming Soon, when MPI is released

  4. Multi-Node, CPU Only

    Coming Soon, when MPI is released

CST Studio Suite CLI Quick List

CLI Option



Enable Compute Acceleration Detection.


Per Node, the number of GPU’s (Max 2). Requires -defaultacc.

-m -r

Enable ‘Batch’ Mode


Number of threads (CPU’s) to use


MPI Only. Use only if you know what NUMA is


Enable MPI


Path to the CST Machine File. Required for MPI.


Automatically detect the MPI Type. Required for MPI.


A shared space for CST. Defaults to $TMPDIR

-project-file /path/to/file.cst

Path to .CST Project FIle