Access Requests for DeepThought HPC

Getting access to the HPC is quick and easy process. Follow the steps below to get up and running.


The HPC now has new URLs for access, specifically to the new web portals.

  1. SSH / Command Line Access

  2. User Portal

  3. Jupyter Hub

VPN Requirements

When off campus you must be connected to the Flinders VPN to access the HPC.

Flinders Staff / HDR Students

  1. Create a ServiceOne Ticket asking for Access to the HPC

    1. Currently the request is under the following path: Research Services -> Undertake Research -> Access to DeepThought HPC.

  2. Pick your Operating System for additional guidance:

  3. The HPC Team will send you an on-boarding email once your HPC account has been provisioned


Currently, the HPC is not open to Undergraduates on a general basis. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis - please talk to your project supervisor or Topic Coordinator first, then have them contact the HPC Support Team via Email.